You are doing a great job and service. These pictures and commentary are very valuable not only for the historical content but also for spiritual morale.
--President Goodson
Hello from a former (but still loyal) Powell Branch member!! I just wanted to drop a note to say hello and wish you, your family and the entire branch a hearty happy Valentines day.
Also wanted you to know that I check out your web site all the time and love getting updates on the building and branch activities. It's a lot of fun for me to see pictures of the YM and YW doing "their thing."
We enjoy Sacramento (especially this time of year!) and are busy in our ward (YM President and Kristi's the Cub Master...lot's of boys around!) but there's nothing like the Powell Branch.
Tell everyone hello.
--Gordon Treadway
Brother Chambers,
We really enjoyed being updated on the building. It was fun to look at all of the pictures of various church
activities. Thank you for taking the time to do this - it's very nice.
-- The Flannerys
Comments... Questions... Suggestions... Send me a note Fletcher Chambers.