Artist's Conception

Ground Breaking Ceremony

1 June 2002

Taken from the Powell Branch Newsletter, July 2002
The much anticipated ground breaking for our new chapel took place at the Liberty Road property in Powell, Ohio on Saturday, June 1, 2002 at 3:00 p.m.

Approximately one hundred members and guests were at the ceremony. Mayor Art Schultz represented The City of Powell. Presiding was our Columbus Ohio North Stake President, President Weidner, accompanied by his counselors, President Thomas and President Mitchell.

President Goodson of the Powell Branch, President Weidner, and Karen Forgrave each spoke briefly about the history and significance of the occasion. Then several members and guests were invited to participate in the actual "graundbreaking" with shovels especially for the occasion. The special voices of the Primary children sang "I Am a Child of God" and the opening and closing prayers were given by Kim Hansen and Matt Riebel.

Construction is expected to begin sometime in July with a tentative completion in the Spring of 2003.


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